The Importance of Regular Hearing Check-ups with Professionals
You’re probably aware of the need for bi-annual dentist
As useful as hearing aids can be, there’s no doubt they also present a problem to your wallet. In addition to the purchase cost and appointments with a hearing professional, it’s likely that you will one day experience a problem with your hearing aids that requires a specialist repair. This repair can be extremely expensive; worth it, of course, to be able to hear; but expensive nonetheless.
If you’re concerned about the ongoing cost of your hearing aids, then it may help you to learn the most common reasons that necessitate hearing aid repair. When you know what to avoid, you stand a better chance of keeping your hearing aids working well for as long as possible. Below are the most common causes for various hearing aid glitches.
Ideally, you should seek to treat your hearing aids as if they are precious, made of incredibly thin glass, at all times. If you drop or knock these expensive items, they can experience difficulties as a result. Always be extremely careful when handling, taking your time and never rushing the removal or insertion process.
If hearing aids have a mortal enemy, then it’s moisture. Water or moisture exposure is one of the most common causes of hearing aid faults, so you’re going to want to be vigilant in this area.
It’s important to remember that moisture does not necessarily mean water. Moisture includes condensation in your home; steam in your kitchen when you’re cooking; or even just rainwater when you’re out and above. If you can protect your hearing aids from any kind of moisture exposure, then you’ll be in with a good chance of avoiding repair bills and return trips to a hearing health provider.
Hearing aids, like most products, have an ideal temperature in which they operate. If the mercury goes above or below this temperature, then the internal mechanics of the device can be impacted.
This is particularly important to bear in mind when you go on vacations. Vacations are rough on hearing aids in general; the heat from the sun, seawater, and sand can be a recipe for disaster. It’s important to take special care of your hearing aids when you’re on vacation; if necessary, removing them and storing somewhere cool during the hottest hours of the day.
Talk more with your hearing care provider about the best ways to take care of your devices. In the event your hearing aids need repairs, try to have them fixed in a timely fashion to avoid any additional issues from developing.
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