Your hearing aid keeps you safe and connected to those around you, enhancing your quality of life. Although you can’t completely avoid repairs, you can take steps to prevent hearing aid repairs and reduce visits to your hearing health professional. Proper care and maintenance can extend the life of your hearing aid, ensuring it continues to support your daily activities smoothly.

Taking great care of your hearing aids will help to prevent them from requiring repairs. Thankfully, there are a few easy ways to do this. Here, are three ways to prevent hearing aid repairs to keep them functioning perfectly.

Clean Your Hearing Aids Correctly

One crucial task for every hearing aid wearer is to clean their hearing aids regularly. A common reason for hearing aid issues is improper cleaning and maintenance. To keep your hearing aids working their best and lasting for many years, clean them daily. Debris and earwax can clog the devices, affecting their performance. Therefore, it’s essential to remove these from your hearing aids each day to ensure they function properly.

Wax can quickly build up in your hearing aid. This can lead to the receiver becoming damaged. Using a wax pick will help remove wax from inside the holes in an in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid. Any exterior debris can be wiped off with a clean, dry cloth or a soft hearing aid brush at the end of each day. If you are not sure how to properly clean your hearing aids, your hearing health professional will be able to show you and give you advice on how to maintain your hearing aids. They may also offer professional cleanings.

Protect Your Hearing Aids from Moisture

Hearing aids can become easily damaged if they come into contact with water. The sensitive electrical components inside your hearing aids can easily become damaged if they get wet. For this reason, it is important to remove them whenever you swim, shower, use a sauna or are anywhere that could expose your hearing aids to moisture.

If your hearing aids are accidentally exposed to moisture there are a few different things you can do to get them dry again. Using a hearing aid dehumidifier is one option to consider, as this draws moisture out of the hearing aids. Alternatively, you could buy a heat and fan system to dry out your hearing aids. This should help minimize any long-term damage that could be caused by your hearing aids becoming wet.

Avoid Exposure to Extreme Temperatures

Water can certainly cause a lot of issues for your hearing aids. However, extreme temperatures can affect your hearing aids. Extreme heat or coldness can cause your hearing aids to become warped, cause corrosion and impact their ability to function correctly. Ensuring that your hearing aids are not exposed to extreme temperatures is essential to prevent hearing aid repairs.

If you notice an issue with your hearing aids, contact your hearing health professional, who will be happy to help. They will be able to advise you whether repairs are needed.