The Importance of Regular Hearing Check-ups with Professionals
You’re probably aware of the need for bi-annual dentist
Did you know that there are more people in the United States that have hearing loss than diabetes, cancer, and vision problems? Sadly, people with hearing loss frequently delay getting treatment for years. In this article, you’re going to discover 6 ways how hearing aids improve quality of life!
In the beginning, a person with hearing loss may only notice that some people sound like they are mumbling or some sounds cannot be heard well. However, over time, if you don’t treat hearing loss, it affects a person’s ability to hear in almost every environment. It also affects many of the relationships in a person’s life.
Hearing aids to the rescue! Thankfully hearing aids can help improve a person’s quality of life.
It is important to treat hearing loss so that you can better control how hearing loss affects your life. There are substantial benefits to treating your hearing loss earlier rather than later. With early treatment, some of the most difficult aspects of hearing loss don’t have to happen to you.
#1 = Work Longer – occupational hearing loss is the number one job related illness. If you experience hearing loss while you are still in your working years it can affect how easily or safely you perform your job, how well you communicate with co-workers or supervisors, and could even result in early retirement. Treating hearing loss will help a person stay engaged and productive at work until they chose to retire for a reason other than they can’t hear well in certain situations.
#2 = Speech Recognition – hearing loss commonly affects a person’s ability to discern speech because the frequencies of spoken word are also those most affected by hearing loss. When hearing aids are used promptly they are most effective to keep those frequencies audible and understood by the brain.
#3 = Stay Involved in Groups – Going to public venues with a lot of background noise is challenging for people with hearing loss. Not only are conversations hard in many public environments, but they also cause extra stress. In noisy public environments, a person with hearing loss really has to focus to hear.
When hearing in those environments becomes too hard, many people disengage. Sometimes they stop listening, stop engaging in conversations, and sometimes they even start staying at home.
#4 = Keep your Brain Active – Did you know that people with untreated hearing loss are up to four times more likely to experience dementia or Alzheimer’s than someone without hearing loss? Our brains are used to hearing the everyday sounds in our life. Sounds like the coffee maker, fans, or birds outside.
Hearing loss affects our ability to hear those sounds. The loss of those sounds affects the health of the brain, for reasons that are still unclear to researchers.
#5 = Quality of Relationships – Hearing loss can affect the relationships in a person’s life. Speech is more difficult to understand. Volume levels on the TV and radio might creep up and cause irritation with family or friends that don’t have hearing loss. A person might start avoiding challenging listening environments in public spaces like restaurants and churches. All those little changes start having big impacts on the relationships in life.
#6 = Stay Independent – People with hearing loss may start relinquishing certain tasks they are unable to perform. Tasks including things like scheduling appointments over the phone or talking to family members about their life.
People with treated hearing loss can be active and engage in life without feeling as if there are things they can no longer do.
Early detection is an important part of treating hearing loss. Treating hearing loss helps slow down subsequent hearing declines. Treating hearing loss also helps keep up your current hearing health. It helps keep your brain responding to the sounds in your environment. Giving your brain the right stimulus it needs to hear properly is one of the most important functions of hearing aids.
Unfortunately, the longer the hearing loss is left untreated, the harder it is to re-engage the brain. It becomes harder to re-engage the brain to the stimulus of certain sounds.
Our team at Texan Renew Hearing Center wants to be your trusted hearing health provider. We work with all our patients to find the best hearing aids for everyone’s hearing loss and lifestyle.
At your free hearing consultation appointment, we ask you questions about the environments that are most important for you to hear. We also ask you about your environment and the areas that you currently most challenging.
After your initial appointment, we continue to work with you to make sure your hearing aids are performing correctly by making the adjustments your need. Please contact us or call (512) 359-3935 today to schedule a consultation appointment!!
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