Hearing protection products are designed to protect your ears from damage caused by loud or continual noise. Many people should use hearing protection at work and in their day-to-day lives outside of their profession. If you need hearing protection at work, your employer should provide it for you to fulfill their safety and health duties. However, there are also times when you might need to buy your own hearing protection or you just want to check that your employer is providing adequate protection. There are different types of hearing protection, with a choice of styles and hearing protection for different purposes too.

Who might need hearing protection?

Hearing protection is useful for many people. You might need it if you have a job that exposes you to loud noise, ranging from construction to aviation or working as a musician. Repetitive loud sound can damage your hearing over time, and even one instance of sudden loud noise could have an effect on your hearing. You might also need hearing protection for the things you do in your personal life. It may be important to use hearing protection when you’re doing DIY or if you enjoy a hobby such as hunting or even swimming.

Consider whether the activities you engage in could damage your ears. You could be at risk of hearing loss if you don’t take care of your ears by using hearing protection.

What types of hearing protection are available?

There are various types of hearing protection available to those that need it. Certain styles of hearing protection include earplugs, earmuffs, and even noise-canceling headphones. You can also find hearing protection that is designed for different activities. For example, musicians and people in the music industry can benefit from using hearing protection designed to protect their ears while still allowing them to hear their own music and the music of others, as well as communicate with other people.

Deciding between the main styles of hearing protection can be most useful for a lot of people. The different types can provide varying levels of protection, as well as levels of comfort.

Earplugs go inside your ears and range from very basic to more advanced. Basic, disposable earplugs are easy to buy, inexpensive, and can be useful for occasional use. If you want something to use more often, you can buy earplugs designed for repeated use. It’s also possible to have them made to fit your ears for maximum comfort and protection. These options cost more but could save you money in the end.

Earmuff-style ear protection sits over your ears, which can be more comfortable and often more practical. This style is also often more suitable for children, especially for babies and infants. They can be suitable for wearing with other protective gear, too, such as goggles or eye protection.

Noise-canceling headphones are also an option to help protect your ears. They allow you to listen to music or other audio at a safe level while blocking out background noise. You can also use them on their own to filter out background noise, even if you’re not listening to anything else.

Before buying hearing protection, consider the different types available to you. Choose the right option for your needs.