The Importance of Regular Hearing Check-ups with Professionals
You’re probably aware of the need for bi-annual dentist
Hearing loss can be detrimental to different areas of your life, including your career and relationships. However, taking the necessary measures allows you to overcome such issues. That’s why you want to visit a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) if you think you have hearing issues. The HIS examines the severity of your hearing loss and recommends hearing loss aids based on your personalized needs. If you’re wondering what type of hearing aid you may need, this post discusses some of the most reliable devices in the market today, including in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids.
These devices sit in the outer bowl such that they’re less visible to the naked eye. Some are designed with an antenna-shaped tab, making it easy to remove. They come in various sizes and may differ in terms of fit and performance.
Your designer will take your ear canal’s impression to design a customized hearing aid for your device to be comfortable. Some people may prefer ITE hearing aids due to the ease of handling. They may also come with several electronic features like a multi-directional microphone and telecoil.
You can control volume and select programs remotely. Many modern models allow wireless connection to electronic gadgets such as TVs and smartphones. Here are some reasons you may prefer the ITE:
These are slightly larger and may come with more features. Customization is available to ensure they fit your ear canal and are comfortable. While they may be partially noticeable, you can choose a hardly visible casing. ITC aids are discreet and also come with vital features such as Bluetooth technology and telecoil.
IIC aids go deeper into your ear canal but removing them is easy using a string. Depending on your lifestyle, these devices can be an excellent choice. For example, those who engage in moderate to heavy day-to-day activities may find IIC devices useful.
Also, if you prefer your hearing aids to be invisible, the invisible-in-canal hearing aids can work well. These devices are popular with many people using hearing aids. However, if your hearing loss is severe, you may want larger models with increased power.
IIC aids are inserted further into your ear canal, making it impossible for anyone to notice them. But to ensure safe insertion and removal, you’ll need an experienced HIS to do the work. Why would you choose IIC aids? Here are some reasons:
These hearing aids fit behind your ear and come with a robust plastic casing. With a fitting plastic mold in the outer ear, they are excellent in directing sound, allowing you to hear clearly. The Mini BTE is a different type that you can place behind the ear.
The Mini BTE has a narrow tube that extends to the ear canal. This model enhances the clarity of your voice and prevents earwax accumulation. While BTEs can solve moderate to severe hearing issues, it’s important to consult a HIS for a recommendation.
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