The Importance of Regular Hearing Check-ups with Professionals
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Custom hearing protection provides advanced noise protection levels that work for users individually. A hearing health professional can help you determine what kind of custom protection you need and guide you in identifying your needs and what noise reduction ratings your custom protection can offer.
We often think that for the kind of damage to occur that will result in actual harm to our hearing, that we’d need to be exposed to high levels of noise over an extended period. The truth, however, is that you can cause significant damage to your hearing after just one exposure to sudden loud noise. Explosions, standing too close to aircraft engines or being next to a speaker in a nightclub or bar. Of course, long-term exposure to elevated noise levels is not going to do you any favors either.
The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders says that generic earplugs can help mitigate the dangers of noise pollution. Still, for more effective protection, they recommend getting custom-made solutions.
With custom protection options, a mold is taken of your ear, and as your ears are as unique as your fingerprints, once the earplug is fitted, it will fit your ears perfectly and you can be sure that every time you use them, you’ll be getting the same levels of protection.
As no two ear canals are exactly the same, this can present a challenge when using generic options, but the molded plug will provide perfect protection with custom protection. This applies when swimming, sleeping or at work. Your hearing health professional will help you determine the right level of protection as well as offer advice on the correct device for you.
Custom-made protection provides a tissue-to-tissue fit that literally duplicates each contour and crevice of your ears, and this means that you can wear these plugs for more extended periods with no discomfort or the ongoing need for removal and re-insertion. It’s a problem in and of itself because every time you have to reinsert your earplugs, you increase your chances of causing damage.
Additional benefits of custom hearing protection are that users choose their desired levels of protection, which work for them. Not every person will need the same levels of safety, even when working in similar environments. As every ear canal is unique, so are individual protection needs, and it’s for this reason that if you work in an industry or job where you will be exposed to prolonged periods of noise, hums or loud bangs that you should speak to your hearing health professional about custom hearing protection.
This level of protection also offers benefits for regular travelers who battle to sleep on aircraft or trains. Simply put, custom hearing protection is the highest level of hearing protection available for long-term regular or incidental use.
You must get the right advice that matches your individual needs and circumstances. So we highly recommend scheduling a consultation with a hearing health professional to take the next step towards preserving your hearing and ear health.
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