Whether you have been diagnosed with hearing loss or you think that you might be experiencing it, a hearing aid is most likely to be the treatment that can help you improve your quality of hearing. There are a lot of different types of hearing aids with a multitude of features, and your hearing instrument specialist is the professional most qualified to help you learn more about them.

What types of hearing aids are there?

Though there are exceptions and sub-categories, most hearing aids fall into the categories of behind the ear (BTE), in the canal (ITC) and in the ear (ITE). ITE devices fit in the outer ear bowl, are typically medium in size and provide a more open wear with some privacy. BTE devices are larger, but also tend to be more powerful and better suited to those who have issues with manual dexterity that might make smaller devices more difficult to use. ITC hearing aids are worn in the canal and provide the highest level of privacy.

What features are available?

The technology inside the hearing aids themselves has improved dramatically over the past few years, opening up a range of new features. You can get hearing aids with features such as automatic noise reduction, wind noise reduction, directional microphones, tinnitus masking, and more. Most hearing aids made nowadays have wireless capabilities that let them connect to digital devices of all kinds, too. 

How do I choose a hearing aid?

Your hearing instrument specialist will help you go through all your options based on a range of factors. A hearing test to help find your hearing range can rule out certain categories of hearing aids, as will your level of manual dexterity. While keeping your budget in mind, the hearing instrument specialist will talk about your lifestyle and the kinds of features and models that can help you improve your quality of life. The right hearing aids for you can depend on things like your hobbies, how often you socialize, and so on.

How can I adjust to my hearing aids?

Your hearing instrument specialist will fit the hearing aid and make sure that it is programmed appropriately to match your needs. From there, they will make a schedule so that you can wear it a little bit more every day until you’re wearing it for the entire day except when you sleep or use the bathroom.

Your hearing instrument specialist can also help you ensure that you’re taking good care of your hearing aids, such as by cleaning them when necessary and storing them in safe spaces to prevent any issues or malfunctions down the line. If you have any questions about your hearing aids or they stop working properly, you should get in touch with the specialist and they can help you fix the problem.

If you have trouble remembering any of the information above, don’t worry, your hearing instrument specialist will ensure you know all you need to about your hearing aids.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid selection tips, hearing aid styles