The Importance of Regular Hearing Check-ups with Professionals
You’re probably aware of the need for bi-annual dentist
When it comes to hearing devices, maintenance and repairs are incredibly important. Not just for the health of your device, but also for maintaining good hearing health too. What we are looking at today is when you should see a hearing health professional for repairs on your hearing device.
Environmental damage is one of the most common forms of problems with hearing devices.
These problems usually arise based on your surroundings, lifestyle and even weather.
If you are the athletic type, you may be prone to sweating, sweating itself can cause damage to the hearing device in quite a short amount of time.
You will also find the if you live in a hot or humid climate that your device will react to these conditions. Although the devices are very well built, placing any electrical appliance in these conditions will ultimately put it to the test.
You should also take care when it comes to general water damage with hearing aids, although some are waterproof. If the device becomes submerged for any significant period, you should contact a professional just for peace of mind purposes.
The best advice that can be given in situations like this is to pay regular visits to your hearing health professional. They will perform frequent maintenance on your device and ensure it's in its best condition.
If you are getting audible interference or feedback problems with your hearing device, it is certainly time to call upon your hearing health professional.
Feedback can be one of many things but is always the time to involve a professional. Audible interference is generally so important to get fixed because of the long-term damage it can do to the hearing device.
First and foremost, one cause of the feedback is not a cause for concern. This issue is the volume is just too high. When the volume is too high, it creates a frequency shift, and there is a problem between the microphone and amplifies, this results in feedback. The solution to this is to turn the device down.
The more serious causes are canal blockages, which cause the sound to find its way back to the device. Also, poorly fitted devices can cause similar issues.
Having these addressed as soon as possible by your hearing health professional will stop any permanent damage being caused to your device by the feedback.
Another ever-popular problem with hearing devices that should be taken care of by your hearing health professional is battery corrosion.
Battery corrosion is, of course, an issue that all users will come across at some point. If this does occur, it is a great idea to take the device to your local hearing professional. They will make sure there are no more profound issues with the hearing device.
Many things can cause corrosion. The main one being introduced moisture. This can cause over the space of a few days a powder build-up.
This white powder build-up itself can cause permanent damage to the device, so should always be looked at to ensure no residual powder can pay detriment to your device.
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