The Importance of Regular Hearing Check-ups with Professionals
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If you find yourself in loud, noisy environments quite often such as building yards or music concerts then you may benefit from using some form of hearing protection. This can be earplugs, earmuffs, ear defenders or noise-canceling headphones. Whatever you use it is important to protect your ears as best you can. Some form of protection is better than no protection at all.
You only get one set of ears, and they are supposed to last a lifetime, so it is important you look after them and show them some respect. This means no exposure to loud music or loud sounds when all they want is silence. Ears cannot turn off, they can’t let you know when they have had enough, or can they? If you find yourself with ringing in the ears or struggling to hear sounds around you then this could be your ears trying to tell you something. Listen to them and maybe make an appointment with an audiologist to get them checked out.
If you expose your ears to loud noises over and over constantly then they will thank you for it by either ringing or losing their listening skills. Your ears need to be well cared for and not exposed to sounds over 85 decibels, this is equivalent to loud traffic or sitting in a restaurant. If you regularly go over this amount then you are more than likely to struggle with your hearing. This could either be in the form of tinnitus or hearing loss, neither of which are particularly fun.
When you are surrounded by loud noises for a good portion of the day without breaks you might need to invest in some custom hearing protection. These are professionally molded to fit into your ears and offer the very best protection. You can also use noise-canceling headphones, but these are far more noticeable. If you are attending a music concert for example and you don’t want to experience the ringing at the end of the night then your custom hearing protection will help you with this.
The greatest benefit to custom hearing protection is that you can get varying levels of hearing protection, depending on what you will be using them for. You might work on a building site, so you need them to wear under your standard-issue ear defenders. You could also work in the music industry so are regularly exposed to sounds over 120 decibels.
You will also find the custom-made hearing protection is far more durable than anything you can buy in a shop; they are seen as an investment so will certainly be made to last. Another great benefit of custom hearing protection is that they don’t carry as much bacteria as their regular foam or silicone counterparts. This means you are far less likely to get recurring ear infections.
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